The Bunker presents Alex Smoke, Audio Werner, Wolf + Lamb, Lee Curtiss, Nicolas Jaar, and No Regular Play at Public Assembly

The Bunker presents Alex Smoke, Audio Werner, Wolf + Lamb, Lee Curtiss, Nicolas Jaar, and No Regular Play at Public Assembly
70 North 6th Street
21+, 10p-6a

Glaswegian Alex Smoke has made quite a name for himself and quickly moved up through the ranks of the techno elite since his debut release in 2004. At only 27 years old, he's already put out two albums on Soma and a slew of great mindfuck singles on the Berlin-based Vakant imprint. Being trained on the cello and piano, Alex's complex arrangements and production techniques really set his sound apart from the minimal masses. His music reflects his broad range of influences, including everything from grime to classical. Anyone who's seen Alex play live knows that his live set far surpasses anything you might expect from hearing his records. His previous two sets at The Bunker are probably BOTH in the top five live performances we've ever presented (check The Bunker Podcast set for an excerpt of his set in November 2007). Due to a flight mishap this summer, Alex was unable to make it in time for his scheduled performance at The Bunker and instead played the next day at Summertime Rolls. His deep dark sound is much better suited for a late night Bunker set, and that is what he will be delivering this time around.

In 2008, Alex Smoke launched the new Hum+Haw label with fellow Glaswegian Jim Hutchinson, who will be delievering the opening set in the back room tonight. They've got a few singles under their belt, including Alex's amazing "Vaporub" 12". Their first high profile release comes with Smoke's first artist album in three years, "LUX", which will be released next month on the young imprint. In the past few years, Alex has held back on his own name releases apart from a handful of twelves on Vakant while he expanded his studio to incorporate more hardware to fully push the parameters of his sound, which is exactly what he does on this record. To say this album will turn a few heads and put Hum+Haw on the map is an understatement.

We've been wanting to bring Audio Werner to The Bunker for quite some time, and have never been able to make the connection until now. He has only been to NYC once, to play at a disappointing party that very few people even knew about, so it's long overdue that his live set is presented at a proper event. Audio Werner's music has appeared on many of our favorite labels, such as Perlon, Circus Company, Trapez, Hello?Repeat, and Musique Risquée. He has also released quite a few records on Hartchef Discos, an excellent label he co-founded in 2004 that has released music by Guillaume and the Coutu Dumonts, Jichael Mackson and many others. Lately, Audio Werner has been working hard on his highly anticipated debut album, whicih should see the light of day soon.

Wolf + Lamb have come a long way since we met them in 2005. In the past year, they have re-opened the infamous Marcy Hotel for parties and launched their vinyl label. Their first vinyl EP, "Brooklynn", is released on their imprint this month. Tonight they present a DJ set along with a full label showcase featuring Lee Curtiss, Nicolas Jaar, and No Regular Play. To get a taste of what's coming up on the label in 2009, check out Seth Troxler's Ibiza Voice Podcast, which is an exclusive mix of material from the Wolf + Lamb label.

Lee Curtiss has been a Bunker favorite for a few years now. After many live appearances at The Bunker over the years, we finally decided to let him DJ back in July 2008, and he completely annihilated the place. His music's dark, sexy, and uncompromising singularity have earned him coveted performance slots at the 2007 DEMF and Mutek festivals, and dates all over Europe at places like Fabric and Panorama Bar. He released the first vinyl EP on the Wolf + Lamb label in October, and has a forthcoming EP on Spectral.

At 19 years old, Nicholas Jaar is the youngest artists on the Wolf + Lamb roster. Nico started to make organic electronic music in 2004 at the young age of 14. At 17, he debuted with "The Student" EP on Wolf and Lamb Music with remixes by Seth Troxler and Kasper. Now at 19, studying music cognition and philosophy at Brown University, he has a few upcoming releases planned for this year. He has already presented his live set at Mutek Mexico, across Europe, and at The Marcy Hotel in Brooklyn.

No Regular Play is Greg Paulus and Nick Debruyn, two Bunker regulars who've been making their own music for a couple years now. They're debut EP was released digitally on Wolf + Lamb last year, and they have more releases coming on the label in 2009. They have made many appearances around NYC, and will be performing at the Communikey Festival in Boulder in April. Having these guys play at The Bunker is long overdue.