The Bunker presents a Wolf + Lamb Label Night with Anthony Steele, Smirk, Zev, and Gadi Mizrahi at subTonic

The Bunker presents a Wolf + Lamb Label Night with Anthony Steele, Smirk, Zev, and Gadi Mizrahi at subTonic
107 Norfolk Street
21+, 10p-4a

You've all heard about the amazing parties that Wolf + Lamb have thrown with Beyond over the past year and a half in Brooklyn. Now they have moved on to running their own net label and releasing original studio productions. There are a ton of net labels out there, but most of them are releasing experimental material that traditional vinyl labels wouldn't even consider releasing as a b-side. As DJs who gave up vinyl in favor of playing mp3's with Ableton Live, Wolf + Lamb found this very frustrating. They decided to do something about it and launch a net label that only released tracks that were worthy of dancefloor play. They took things one step further and decided to make the it an "open source" label. This means that the tracks are released with the original source material; either as the self contained Ableton Live layout file, or as a sample collection for the specific track. This enables Ableton DJs to really get their hands dirty and tear apart the tracks for a more personal performance. It also gives producers around the world everything they need to make their own remixes of the tracks (which can be submitted to Wolf + Lamb for consideration as official label releases).

Tonight we present our third Wolf + Lamb label night. We've been using these nights as an opportunity for the rising talents releasing music on the Wolf + Lamb Music net label to present their music to a live audience. Since most of these artists are regular attendees at our parties, they really understand the sound/vibe of the party and tend to nail it on their first try. To download tracks from these fine artists, visit the Wolf + Lamb Music site: