The Bunker with Andy Stott, Demdike Stare, Millie & Andrea, Function, Vatican Shadow, Ulysses at Output / The Panther Room

The Bunker with Andy Stott, Demdike Stare, Millie & Andrea, Function, Vatican Shadow, Ulysses at Output / The Panther Room
74 Wythe Avenue
21+, 10p-6a
$30 door

Tonight, we bring you what is surely the darkest and most demented lineup to ever appear inside of Output's walls.

In Output, we have an eight hour Modern Love showcase. There will be live sets from Andy Stott, Demdike Stare, and Millie & Andrea. The Demdike boys will also DJ and may have a few surprises up their sleeves ... they generally do.

In Panther Room, we celebrate the release of two records. "Games Have Rules," a new collaborative album out soon on Hospital Productions from Function and Vatican Shadow, and "The Casual Mystic" EP from Ulysses on The Bunker New York. Everyone in this room is going to dig a little deeper in the spirit of the mostly ambient "Games Have Rules" album.