The Bunker presents Eva Sjuve, Bitkid, and Don Rainwater at subTonic

The Bunker presents Eva Sjuve, Bitkid, and Don Rainwater at subTonic
107 Norfolk Street
21+, 9p-3a

Eva Sjuve is the most engaging live electronic musician we have ever seen. You can download movies of her performances from her website. Basically, she hooks up a bunch of sensors to various body parts, connects them to a laptop, and her movements around the room control many variables of the sound you hear. Stunning stuff. Her performance is only 20 minutes long and she goes on around midnight. Bitkid is an Austrian friend of Bunker pal DJ Ripley, who recommends him highly, which means he will kick ass. He lists Sun Ra, Mouse on Mars, and Gang Starr among his all time favorite musicians. His style is eclectic, but tonight he will focus on futuristic electro/breaks. This is your only chance to catch him in NYC. Don Rainwater is an old friend who is finally getting his shot to play at the Bunker. He was a regular at Subtext and Cupcake (old Saturday subTonic parties), and a leader of the infamous Cash Boys. He spins everything from icy ambient to party techno. He is a serious crate digger, always guarenteed to pull out killer tracks you wont hear elsewhere. We just got word that this is Don Rainwater's last DJ set ever! He's selling all of his records and moving to France. He's threatening to play a very sad set.